Lake Heights Public School

Strive for excellence

Telephone02 4274 1740

Start learning

The school day


Our school is open from 8:30 am when a teacher takes morning supervision on one of the playground areas. Students who arrive before a teacher is on duty wait in a designated seating area.

The best time for students to arrive is between 8:40–8:50 am. The school day starts at 8:55 am when students line up at their class.

We have an early lunch break first, then recess. Lunch: 10:55-11:35 am includes time for eating, then play. Recess: 1:15-1:35 pm is a shorter break to recharge on a healthy snack, drink and short playtime.

The school day for students ends at 2:35 pm. Parents are able to wait in the school grounds for their children to exit the classrooms.

After class is often a good time to speak with teachers. If you phone or visit the office beforehand, the teacher will be best prepared to answer your enquiries.